PHOENIX ( is a project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 re-search and innovation programme. It deals with Electrical Power and Energy Systems (EPES) Shield against complex incidents and extensive cyber and privacy attacks.

In this context, the PHOENIX project aims to offer a cyber-shield armour to European EPES critical infrastructure, enabling cooperative detection of large-scale, cyber-human security and privacy inci-dents and attacks, guaranteeing the continuity of operations and minimising cascading effects in the infra-structure itself, the environment, the citizens and the end-users at reasonable cost.

The Project aims to produce a complete EPES security and privacy protection framework, validated by real world scenarios by the means of 5 Large Scale Pilots.

The PHOENIX project aims to reconcile technology development activities with privacy, ethics, security and societal concerns, and to this end an ad hoc methodology has been developed and implemented: the PRESS framework.